Alamo Celebrity Entertainment Services, formed in 2013, seeks to directly aid the celebrity guests of any size convention, event, or expo. Presently, the group boasts over 200 members dedicated to providing a relaxed, memorable, and worry-free experience for every distinguished member of your event lineup. The team additionally aims to support the guest’s representation (should they be in accompaniment), as well as ensure the event is equally loved by those in attendance (the ticket holders).
When any team of A.C.E.S. is dispatched to support a convention or event, one will always recognize them from the distinctive organizational structure set in place to guarantee quick and effective responses to every circumstance.

The Volunteers, identified by the red shirts, make up the largest portion of our group, and during any event, they serve one of two roles: Handler or Floater. The Handlers are designated to sit with a particular guest for the duration of the event to ensure consistency, assisting with sales, photographs, and what ever the guest may require. The Floaters are a contingent of members on standby to relieve any handler needing a break, replacement, or monitoring tables while the guest is away.

The Crew Chiefs, donning charcoal grey crew neck shirts, are the first link in our chain of command. Handlers route any requests, questions, or concerns from the guests or their representatives & see to their resolution promptly. They will often work in tandem with an events volunteer leads to streamline the celebrity autograph area operations, delivering steady foot traffic to the the guests and keeping the attendees safe.

The Director Assistants, sporting blue polo shirts, aid the Directors in coordination efforts leading up to and during any event. There will be moments of several tasks or requests queued up for the team, and the D.A.'s will divide and conquer with their respective Director to see that they are accomplished expediently. In the stead of a Director, they hold the same authority to guide the Crew Chiefs & Volunteers to a successful show performance.
Clad in black polo shirts, the Directors round out the top tier of the A.C.E.S. staff. The Directors synchronize with convention/event promoters to deliver a team that will exceed the expectations of the show's guests and attendees. Throughout the event duration, when not clearing tasks or requests that the handler, guest, or representative may have, Directors keep in constant communication with the event organizers, apprising them of any matters that only they have the power to resolve.
With our Founders' 20+ years of guest liaison experience, combined with Alamo Celebrity Entertainment Services' 10-year existence supporting 60 events (as of February 2024), we feel confident in saying we are the premier volunteer handler group operating today, if not the only.

Our staff and leadership not only have experience in managing teams of handlers, having worked many times as individual handlers themselves, but they are also armed with a growing expertise on what to anticipate when assisting celebrity guests. With each event, they pass on or reiterate that acquired knowledge to the members of A.C.E.S. to manage expectations from show to show, promoter to promoter, and guest to guest. No two conventions are the same; we will always see something new to address. Preparing our members for the usual suspects of obstacles will hasten their resolution so we can effectively tackle those of the complex variety.

Whether a new member has just come aboard, or a team is preparing to assist at a large-scale show, training is always taking place. The staff never misses an opportunity to cover down on the most basic tenants of guest handling, refreshing the volunteers on what they need to accomplish each time they sit behind a table, before the guest has even arrived, during show hours, and after each close of day. Alamo Celebrity Entertainment Services maintains a thorough training presentation that members can access at any time, and constantly update the essential tasks based on previous event results.

At our inception, Alamo Celebrity Entertainment Services was open to anyone willing to volunteer to assist at the sole convention we supported. During the first show to utilize the team, the individuals making up that group were mostly military or military affiliated, and several of those members remain on to this day. As the organization expanded, it became clear we had something special, and with a desire to see it become even greater with each passing event, the staff knew our members had to be the cream of the crop. Thus, we created an interpersonal and interactive vetting system, in order to properly get to know each individual that requests to become a part of our incredible team. Recommendations to join the team typically stem from a staff member, a top performing volunteer, or directly from a show promoter or agent representative. No matter where the request to join comes from, that person will always be subject to as much vetting as necessary to guarantee they are A.C.E.S. material.

Once a member is approved to join the ranks of the A.C.E.S. Volunteers, they are held to an unmatched standard that befits the privilege we are afforded every time we assist a celebrity guest. Respect, professionalism, discretion, honesty, and enthusiasm are just a few of the core principles we instill in our members, helping them to better appreciate the coveted position they find themselves in by being a part of this team. While we encourage them to enjoy the experience for themselves, they must never forget the priority is ensuring the guest they are seated with and the attendee that seeks to meet them BOTH have a fantastic experience at your event. Our specific rulesets are tailored to every positive and negative circumstance we've thus far encountered, such that should a member, whether intentionally or not, commit a deed in the latter category, action can be swiftly taken, up to and including dismissal from A.C.E.S.

We want our members to promote your event, but never overstep their role when working alongside your event staff. We wish for them to be that grounding for your guest, as they spend hours upon hours meeting so many of their fans, while still being able to take a small moment to be a fan themselves. Most importantly, it is our mission for the A.C.E.S handlers to take away the worry of whom is attending to your guest lineup, so that you may focus on your event as a whole and see it through to a successful conclusion.
If Alamo Celebrity Entertainment Services sounds like a team you would like to have at your next convention, show, or expo, feel free to leave your information on the Contact page, or reach out utilizing the information
at the bottom of the page.
Thank you for your consideration.